Keith Herron is Dr. TecTock

Keith started playing with computers when they occupied entire university buildings. Luckily, the ones we carry around with us now are a lot smaller.

Fun fact: The computer onboard the Curiosity rover - now on Mars - is about as intelligent as the smartphone you have in your pocket.

Keith taught himself to program on a Commodore 64, then moved on to an Apple IIe, and an IBM PC. He built Ethernet and Token Ring networks. He assembled computers from kits. He cracked open Macintoshes to add memory and network cards. He wrote manuals. He recovered deleted files. He battled computer viruses. He lived to tell the tales.

Not so fun fact: According to security vendor Panda Labs, malware infects 30 percent of computers in the US.

Keith has worked for law firms, medical clinics, telecom and networking companies. He has worked for end users and for equipment vendors. He's seen a lot of changes, held a lot of hands, answered a lot of questions, and solved a lot of problems. He hopes you'll give him the opportunity to solve yours.

We keep your technology running like clockwork.

Keith Herron is Dr. TecTock